THIS YEAR PRESS - Diligence Personified

My name is Will "Deshair" Foskey, Editor-at-Large, Celebrity Journalist. You can find some of my work on,, XPOZ magazine, American Songwriter, as well as the many sites that I find my work on. I work extremely hard to gain the content that matters... from well thought out opinions to asking the questions that defines the times, "I Got You!" - Will "Deshair" Foskey

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Excerpts from my interview with Urban Literature Newcomer, Miasha

Check out a small taste of my conversation with Miasha. If you are in need of the shock of your life, buy her novel debut, "Secret Society", in stores now...

What has inspired you to become a writer?

There are a few people beside my family and close friends. Karen E. Quinones Miller was a total inspiration to me. She’s a best-selling author who spoke at my graduation back in 2003. Her story about how she came up was the final spark that I needed to follow my present path. I knew that after graduation, being an author was something that I wanted to do. When you’re in college you pick your major and then you have a career goal. I always knew that I wanted to write, but at that point I was thinking about magazines or ad campaigns. After I heard Karen speak, it kind of put me in my place, so to speak. Ever since I was young I wanted to be an author, but as I took classes I pushed it to the side. Her words were a wake up call that told me that I needed to be an author. Being an author is what I’m here for.

What are your writing aspirations?

I always wanted to write screenplays. The reason why I went to Temple University in the first place was because I wanted to work in film. So I started out in my freshman year taking film courses. My classes were based around directing, producing and writing scripts. That’s one thing that I definitely want to get into. I am a writer… period.

I read Urban-fiction, self help books, magazines, etc. Besides that, I also read books on business that pertains to what I’m involved in. I’m reading books on Real Estate. I also want to start a Water Ice business in Georgia.


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