I can say whatever I want about: Mariah Carey
Welcome to the first installment of, I can say whatever I want about:
I was at home one night thinking about my chances of sitting down to interview today's A-List mega-stars, and came to this conclusion; I don't have a snowball's chance in hell of sitting down for an in-depth conversation with an artist like a Mariah Carey, a Celine Dion or a Jay-Z.
Why, you ask? Because if I got a job with Rolling Stone tomarrow, do you know how many writer's would have seniority over me? There's no way in the world that they'll give their power story to a newbie. Oh, and plus I'm not an ass kisser... Ask my ex-girlfriend, she'll tell you all about me.
So speaking of one of the A-listers, I'd like to talk about Ms. Mariah "Diva #1" Carey. And since I can say whatever I want about this talented songbird, I shall do just that.

2. Somewhere along the line, Mariah got a lil' thick (picture on the left). I can't front, I'm liking the thicker, more volumptuous Mariah. In the video for "Vision of Love", Mariah looked like she was a steak sandwich or two short of fitting a size zero (picture on the right). I'm glad that she's able to eat steak sandwiches now. Mmmm, mmmm, good Mariah...
3. Mariah really needs to be more of a team player, than a dictator. As of late, Mariah has been indirectly lashing out at her staff members for many reasons like Mariah finding grammatical errors in her acceptance speeches (on air) for instance. Mariah has made a few crude remarks that were immediately followed by, "I'm just kidding," to catch herself. The supreme diva complex is in full effect for the duration of Mariah's career. So prepare to bow down, like that poor hotel staff who wasn't worthy enough to look Mariah in the face, so they were forced to turn around. Tisk, tisk...
4. For Mariah to had hit rock bottom after a fantasy-like beginning to her career, you would think that she'd be the most humbled and thankful person in the business. If you taped any of the previous awards ceremonies (which I don't believe anyone has), just take a look at Mariah's face as she holds an award in her hands. You can see the 3 year old child in her eyes jumping around and saying, "I'm the winner, and you're not." People, don't get it confused. You may think that she is so overjoyed because just a few years back, she was casted away by the entire music industry; so in some way this success was supposed to be vindication for that exile. This look that she gives is the look of arrogance. You can't win and succeed as much as Mariah has done in the 90's and believe that not one drop of it has gone to her pretty head.
The highest of highs can create the lowest of lows. Imagine going from having fans who cried due to not being able to handle their emotions when they are in your presence, to having fans who don't even want an autographed bra that you just took off and signed right there on the spot. Maybe it's us... maybe it's the American audience that builds up our stars to bring them down like a house made out of Uno cards. When somebody pays you 29 million dollars to leave, you can't feel any more unwanted than at that moment. So with that being said, I can understand why Mariah is now the ultimate diva. When you feel like you are all that you got, it's hard to trust anybody else with your emotions/feelings. When you are the center of attention one day, then people stop caring about you the next, breakdowns are just an issue away.
5. Listen to Mariah talk... I don't know if it is just me, but isn't she sounding more and more like Wendy Williams these days? Eerie...
The phone rings...
Deshair: Hello.
Mariah's Publicist: Hello, is this Deshair?
Deshair: Yes, this is he.
Mariah's Publicist: Well, my name is ********* and I'm calling on behalf of Mariah Carey.
Deshair: Wow, that's cool.
Mariah's Publicist: I just got finished reading your interview with Jagged Edge, and I loved how you helped to bring them to an even brighter light with such an impactful story. I'd love it if you can do that for Mariah, as well.
Deshair: For real?
Mariah's Publicist: Yes, for real... let's setup an in-person for Thursday. Is that good for you...
Deshair: Yes, that's great. Well if Mariah doesn't mind my latest blog about her.
Mariah's Publicist: Your latest blog... (the publicist pulls up my blog to skim over the content)
She hung up the phone on me... what more can I say? Well other than, I can say whatever I want about whoever I want... and I'm out
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