THIS YEAR PRESS - Diligence Personified

My name is Will "Deshair" Foskey, Editor-at-Large, Celebrity Journalist. You can find some of my work on,, XPOZ magazine, American Songwriter, as well as the many sites that I find my work on. I work extremely hard to gain the content that matters... from well thought out opinions to asking the questions that defines the times, "I Got You!" - Will "Deshair" Foskey

Friday, April 14, 2006

A Letter from your Colleague...

How are you feeling as of late? I'm feeling pretty good at the moment; a bit tired but good. When the easiest thing to do is to follow a path that was already left for me, I often choose to blaze my own trail, blindfolded.

At this point in my LIFE, all that I want to be is successful. I want to feel proud when it comes to my accomplishments. I want to look myself in the eyes and feel that I've left everything that I had out their on the field of diligence. At the moment that I've taken my last step, I want to still have enough energy and enough spirit to crawl the rest of the way.

I hope that you have asked the same of yourself this past week. I hope that you took the opportunity to seize the moment; to bridge the gap between your dreams and your reality. Now more than ever, it is up to all of us to defy the odds; to stand strong; to not just think of ourselves. Tears are best desolved on the shoulder of someone that you care about and vise versa. You are not alone; we are in this together.

Ladies: Keep pressing forward with every breath that you take and every step that you make. Demand the respect that you know that you deserve in this male dominated workforce. Your untapped strength is unmatched.

Gentlemen: Don't forget that with every decision that you make, there will always be a bigger picture attached to that decision. There are young misguided men out there that need someone to look up to. It is your duty, not to let them down.

Just remember to never give up on your dreams, because your dreams will never give up on you... stay strong and motivated


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