The reason why Barack Obama can't win for losing...

With the first debate now behind us, I've received quite a few texts
and phone calls full of opinions. There was one view that rung loudly
on average: Obama's strength (his lack of swagger).
I've noticed something about Obama's campaign that is unprecedented;
everybody has an opinion on what Obama should do, or what he's not
doing enough of. And it's not about his views and/or perspectives -
it's always about how he handles himself. Why can't he just be himself
without someone questioning his persona? McCain might be old, however,
he never takes flack for how he handles himself as a man.
When Obama wasn't doing attack adds against McCain, people wanted him
to do so. People wanted him to prove that he was patriotic, so he had
to put on a pin. People wanted for Obama to be more confident, stronger
with his initiatives; he does it and now those same people want him to
ease off so that he's not referred to as an elitist.
Barack Obama is in an unprecedented position. His Harvard degree versus
McCain's battle scars places him in a position to take tougher
questions. Obama just can't say that he has a plan; people want him to
walk them through his plan. McCain can say that he won't raise taxes
and he doesn't have to elaborate unless forced.
You know what I believe it comes down to? Black Intelligence. Bush used
the fear factor and a little bit of voter fixing to regain his seat in
the White House. Obama's intelligence as a black man is the new fear
factor. And you know what is ticking me off? My spell check doesn't
even know who Barack Obama is... I had to add his name to my dictionary
just to get rid of the red marks.
Barack Obama can't win for losing, yet he is fighting extremely hard to
maintain his character. He's being pulled every which way because
everybody wants him to be every thing but himself. This man is not
Colin Powell, he's not Michael Jordan, he's not MLK, and he's not Chris
Rock. He is not a savior; he isn't all things to all people. Obama is a
human-being human. Maybe when people can get off his back and let him
be himself, then he'll have a fair chance at winning in November...
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