Book Review: The Music Powers that be… to Succeed in the Music Industry

The Music Powers was written by C. Cirocco Jones. Cirocco has 20+ years of experience in the music industry. He realizes that creative minds aren’t always the most business savvy. So you will not have to put this book down to grab a dictionary and figure out what that 35-letter word mean.
What sets the Music Powers that be, apart from every Music Industry book that came before it and will set the trends for the books that come after it, is the one on one conversations with industry professionals who aren’t afraid to separate the fantasy from the actual business. Ask yourself this question. How can a real estate agent teach you how to be a producer?
Cirocco went out and made sure that if you’re an engineer searching for knowledge in your profession, that he would have Alvin Speights put you in the mix. If you’re a background vocalist wondering how much you should charge for your services, Debra Killings will show you the ropes. If you’re a producer who’s wondering what the industry’s choice for equipment is and how you can get industry standard sound out of you project, DJ Toomp literally brings out his equipment and shows you how to ride on, “24’s.”
The Music Powers that be, was built for not only the unsigned artist. If you’re signed to a major deal and still feel like you’re in the dark, you shouldn’t go another day without making this investment. The honest truth is, The Music Powers that be, is the book that I wish I had read 8 years ago when I embarked on a career in music. Great results are inevitable if you apply yourself and apply what you’ve learned from this groundbreaking tool.
You can go to for more information on this amazing guide to Music Industry success.
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